Implementation Plan
Our implementation plans provide a roadmap for work on strategic initiatives over a three-year period.
Putting Plans into Action
The Wolfpack 2030 strategic plan will be operationalized through implementation plans. Each implementation plan is an opportunity for the university to identify and communicate high-level, priority initiatives that contribute to meeting our seven strategic goals.
FY 25-27 Implementation Plan
The FY25-27 implementation plan consists primarily of initiatives that began under the FY22-24 implementation plan and will continue their forward progress. It also includes a small number of new initiatives. Initiatives are organized into sixteen strategies that require our current focus in order to meet NC State’s long-term strategic goals.
To develop this plan, Institutional Strategy and Analysis (ISA) sought input from the university community, FY22-24 implementation plan contacts and the Chancellor’s Cabinet (see the full planning timeline). During FY 25-27, ISA will work with initiative contacts to communicate progress and updates to the university community.
Because the implementation plan is a living document, outdated versions may come to exist on campus over time. The current and authoritative version is always available at this site and should be consulted in case of discrepancy.
FY 25-27 Implementation plan
FY 22-24 Implementation Plan

Read more

First Three Years of Wolfpack 2030: Powering the Extraordinary
Contact Us
Contact with any questions about the implementation plan.