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Past Planning

Strategic planning isn’t new at NC State — we have a history of setting goals and working with the university community to achieve them. Here, you can find everything related to the past planning process.

The Pathway to the Future, NC State’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan, built on the university’s land-grant mission upon which it was founded. Five overarching goals guided the activities and initiatives implemented throughout the plan’s execution: enhancing student success, investing in faculty and infrastructure, supporting interdisciplinary scholarship, pursuing organizational excellence and engaging locally and globally.

We brought together representatives from across the university to provide input on strategic planning goals and the planning process. Then, we put our Think and Do spirit into action, working tirelessly over the next decade to support continued growth and comprehensive excellence at NC State to achieve our plan’s goals. With measurable results and feedback from faculty, staff, students and more, we strove to make progress in all areas, adjusting implementation when needed.

We’re better for our efforts and we have the results to prove it.

From faculty and staff to students, alumni and the greater community, each group benefited from NC State’s progress toward strategic plan goals. Enrollment and retention increased, time to degree completion decreased, faculty engaged in an overwhelming amount of research and service, and so much more. 

80+ new endowed professorships

From 2011 – 2020, we have significantly increased the number of named professorships allowing us to attract and retain top faculty.

16% increase in the 5-year graduation rate

From 2011 – 2020 more students graduated within five years reducing overall student debt.

$163M increase in annual research expenditures

From 2011-2020 we provided the resources to ensure our faculty are more productive than ever.