Five-Year Student Success Report 2011-2016
The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost strengthens NC State’s academic reputation through a wide range of experiential educational opportunities. This report provides a window into these activities and initiatives that support a holistic view of success that equips students for real-world impact.

From the Chancellor

In “The Pathway to the Future: NC State’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan,” NC State set a bold agenda and built the framework to fulfill it. Our plan drives the university’s mission and establishes a foundation for success.
The first goal of our strategic plan is clear: Enhance student success. While balancing access with quality, NC State must ensure that students make timely progress toward a degree. Along the way, the university must provide educational opportunities that inspire them to lead, serve, challenge, take responsibility, build problem-solving skills and engage with complex problems.
The university has made significant strides in student success-related activities and initiatives in the first five years of NC State’s strategic plan. In addition, NC State’s colleges, departments and other units are making substantial improvements in supporting student success. I have entrusted partnership in overseeing student success to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.
Overall, our aim is to expand and enhance services to students throughout the complete student lifecycle — from recruitment to graduation. To that end, we have developed innovative new support programs and added capacity to successful existing efforts. Throughout this report, we review the progress made toward the plan’s first goal and illustrate how this progress positively affects all students.
Randy Woodson