2019-2020 Task Forces

Nine task forces were identified as a result of a day-long leadership retreat held in September 2019, with participants representing all of NC State. Provost Warwick Arden and Interim Senior Vice Provost Margery Overton also worked with a consulting firm, and finalized plans with further review by the chancellor and Chancellor’s Cabinet. Our task forces are:
- Advancing Inclusion and Well-Being to Enhance Excellence
- Continuing to Advance the Brand and Reputation of NC State
- Envisaging the Next-Generation Land-Grant University
- Graduating the Successful Student
- Leading the Digital Transformation of Higher Education
- Leveraging Partnerships to Advance Engagement
- Pursuing Operational Excellence
- Re-envisioning Lifelong Education and Credentialing
- Strengthening Universitywide Interdisciplinarity
The task forces are composed of representatives from across campus and various colleges and units, and include faculty, staff, students and university leadership. Comprehensive campus involvement with the task forces, through membership, attendance at meetings or feedback via individual task force websites, will ensure the successful formation and execution of NC State’s next strategic plan.